Sanitization of Images Containing Stegomalware via Machine Learning Approaches

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Publication type: Conference paper
Conference: ITASEC 2021: Italian Conference on Cybersecurity
Location: Virtual
Online publication date: 2021-08-09


In recent years, steganographic techniques have become increasingly exploited by malware to avoid detection and remain unnoticed for long periods. Among the various approaches observed in real attacks, a popular one exploits embedding malicious information within innocent-looking pictures. In this paper, we present a machine learning technique for sanitizing images containing malicious data injected via the Invoke-PSImage method. Specifically, we propose to use a deep neural network realized through a residual convolutional autoencoder to disrupt the malicious information hidden within an image without altering its visual quality. The experimental evaluation proves the effectiveness of our approach on a dataset of images injected with PowerShell scripts. Our tool removes the injected artifacts and inhibits the reconstruction of the scripts, partially recovering the initial image quality.


  • Marco Zuppelli
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    National Research Council of Italy
    Genoa, Italy
  • Giuseppe Manco
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    National Research Council of Italy
    Genoa, Italy
  • Luca Caviglione
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    National Research Council of Italy
    Genoa, Italy
  • Massimo Guarascio
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    National Research Council of Italy
    Genoa, Italy